
Global public affairs firm

Concerto has a permanent team of 40 multilingual consultants working together across six clusters of expertise in Paris, Nairobi, Tunis, Abidjan, Cape Town and Dubai.

About Us

We obtain high added-value results for our clients – Governments, Corporates and Public Figures – in the fields of strategic communications, business intelligence and track II diplomacy.
We measure our performance on the basis of our clients' success: Raise their profile internationally, win an election, build or protect their e-reputation, facilitate mediation, decipher complex environments… We deliver long-term, solid results.

Concerto brings together 40 experts spread across six different locations in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. We work globally, with a particular focus on Africa, where our networks, our experience and our presence position us strongly.

We bring together consultants from diverse backgrounds (strategy, journalism, political risk, business intelligence, corporate communications, country branding). We have a great deal of experience out in the field, including helping companies, public personalities, governments, as well as national and international institutions.

Our Team


All of them are reliable, enthusiastic, discreet and effective.